Monday, November 21, 2011

The Best Pecan Pie Recipe - No Corn Syrup Here!

Pecan Pie - Okay, this is not a "dinner" recipe - but it goes great with it! And this is the Best - there is no corn syrup used like in most other Pecan Pie recipes! This recipe is used in restaurants and satisfies every sweet tooth craving, every day!

Fresh and sweet Pecan Pie! mmm!
Mastering a recipe takes consideration and planning ahead - take advantage of all the accumulated knowledge on this page and feel free to share your own!

Keep reading and find out some great tips on how to skim the fat (Only if desired!) from this Pecan Pie Recipe. If interested, you can also discover great nutrition hidden within the pecan and some helpful recipe and baking tips that even YOU may not know about! ;)

And if something was missed? Do you have your own tips about baking the best pecan pie to add? Let me know by using the comment form at the bottom of the Recipe! I would love to know and you will be credited.

We even link to a super yummy, top rated pie crust recipe! This isn't a recipe, this is a recipe and a half!

This delicious Pecan Pie will serve eight people and is 9" (nine inches).

Preperation Time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 40 Minutes
Total Time: 55 Minutes - that's under an hour!

Nutrition Amount Per Non Lower Fat Serving:

Calories: 313
Total Fat: 22.6g
Cholesterol: 84mg

Recipe Tips:

Before you get started, you may want to consider the following:
  • You will need a 9 Inch Pie Crust to complete your Pecan Pie - Pecans, like most nut pies are single-crust pies where the filling is baked in the shell.
    *Click here to get the best 9 Inch pie crust recipe for your Pecan Pie! (coming soon)
  • Prevent Your Butter from Clumping - You can warm the eggs to room temperature by leaving them out of the fridge for at least 30 Minutes before starting to prepare this recipe - This little action should keep your butter from clumping when you add it to the eggs!
  • This Pecan Pie Recipe requires Flour - Why not choose whole grain to get the most goodness? Even little actions can go a long way!
  • You don't have to put the full amount of sugar called for - in the recipe, you can sweeten to taste and/or substitute a cooking sweetener - this will lower the calories of the recipe.- you can suit to taste your pecan pie and really make it your own by adding all brown sugar instead of white sugar or by adding cinnamon, other nuts and even juicy fruits. Try experimenting and see what your friends and family say!
  • Remember to always wash your produce! - Even if you are not concerned about pesticides, your nuts or other produce could have come in to contact with contaminants during transportation. This is one step you should not skip!

How to pick the Best Pecan Tips:

Start with the size - a larger, meaty pecan will end up with a better taste than a smaller, more "dry" variety, even after being all cut up!

And then Color - You will want to look for a nut that has a light golden coloring. It should be bright - If it is too dark, it could indicate it's quickly on it's way to becoming rancid!

Feel - The Pecan should feel solid, have some tiny weight for its tiny size! If it's too light, it's too dry, and there goes your flavor. Pffft!

and Flavor, of course - The pecan for your pie should be sweet and yummy!

How to Bake the Best Pie Baking Tips
  • Remember to always preheat your oven first - This ensures your pecan pie begins baking as soon as it goes in the oven.
  • Consider Using a Baking Sheet - Sure, you can place your pie pan directly on the oven rack, but just in case there's any spillage or drippings, do you really want to battle that when it's avoidable by using a baking sheet that is a lot easier to clean? ;)
  • Bake on the lower third of the oven - This helps set the dough and ensure even browning.
  • If the Edges of your Crust starts to Burn - before the rest of your Pecan Pie is finished cooking, simply cover the burnt pieces with tinfoil - this can prevent further browning on those spots before the rest of your Pecan Pie is baked!
  • Remember to Let Your Pecan Pie Cool! - You must always let your pies cool for at least 20 minutes so that the cooked ingredients within the pie have time to set. Just as important - Even if you are serving your pecan pie warm, if you cut into it too soon, it just might crumble or even fall apart!
  • Storing your leftover Pecan Pie (if there's some left!) - You should use wax paper and loosely cover the top of the pie, and then wrap with tinfoil. Most pies last for a couple of days at room temperature, but please use your own judgment. If you made it right - it shouldn't even last that long because it will get eaten all up! ;)

  • 1 cup of light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup of white sugar
  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour (consider wholegrain - read Recipe Tips above!)
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of chopped Pecans (read Recipe Tips above on how to pick the best ones!)
  • 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch single crust pie - click here for the best one!


Other Suggested Cooking Equipment:
  • 9 inch pie pan
  • Large Bowl
  • Egg Beater
  • Baking Sheet (optional - to catch possible drippings underneath)


Baking Directions:
  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Preheating is important so your Pecan Pie will start cooking immediately once it goes in the oven.

    *Note - some people cook at 300 degrees which prevents an overly brown top crust on the pie - this is up to you an your oven!
  • In your large bowl, start by beating the eggs until foamy. Now, you're ready to stir in your melted butter.

    *Read Recipe Tips Above for a tip on how to prevent your butter from clumping when adding it to your eggs!
  • Then, stir in your brown and white sugar (or whatever sweetener) and the flour. Remember to mix well!
    Lastly, add your milk, vanilla extract and pecans (or whatever other nuts you want to add!).
  • Now pour your mixture into an unbaked 9 inch pie shell. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees - most people then choose to then reduce the temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until done.

    *Remember, some people choose to bake at a slightly lower temperature to help prevent an overly brown top crust on your pecan pie, although of course this will take a bit longer to bake.


Health and Nutrition Information about this Recipe:

Pecans - Get this - Pecans have the most antioxidant out of all nuts! Studies have shown the following - Antioxidants help protect your cells against damage and it can even help fight diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer.

Pecans are also full of heart healthy fats - so it doesn't take much to make you feel full which is a good thing! Studies have also shown that consuming nuts in a daily diet is good for your waistline.

And lastly, a mere handful of power packed pecans can yield vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and fiber. Read more about the positive effects of these on the human body in the list posted below.

Whole Grain Flour - products are made by grinding whole grains in order to make whole-grain flour. Whole grains are a natural source of protein as well as a source of carbohydrates and are made into many different kinds of foods.


Okay, so we use 2 eggs in the recipe, but every little bit goes a long way! :P Read below!

  • Eggs are "nutrient dense" foods - more bang for your buck! - Eggs contain high levels of vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients but are still low in saturated fat and calories
Some Nutrients & Benefits found in Eggs:

Calcium - Keeps bones and teeth strong
Iron - Carries oxygen to the cells, helps prevent anemia - the iron in egg is easily absorbed by the body
Vitamin A - Helps maintain healthy skin and eye tissue; assists in night vision
Vitamin D - Strengthens bones and teeth; may help protect against certain cancers and auto-immune diseases
Vitamin E - An antioxidant that plays a role in maintaining good health and preventing disease
Vitamin B12 - Helps protect against heart disease
Folate - Helps produce and maintain new cells; helps prevent a type of anemia, helps protect against serious birth defects if taken prior to pregnancy and during the first 3 months of pregnancy
Protein - Essential for building and repairing muscles, organs, skin, hair and other body tissues; needed to produce hormones, enzymes and antibodies; the protein in eggs is easily absorbed by the body
Selenium - Works with vitamin E to act as an antioxidant to help prevent the breakdown of body tissues
Lutein & Zeaxanthin - Maintains good vision; may help reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration
Choline - Plays a strong role in brain development and function


What drinks go well with the Best Pecan Pie Recipe?

Port or Coffee! - Let us know if you have a different favorite by using the comment form below! :)


Your homemade Pecan Pie can be served right from the pie tray, as is custom amongst pies.

Et voila! There you have your easy and simple Perfect Pecan Pie with Low Fat Options, all cooked and ready to eat!

The next time you're wondering, "What to make for dinner?" remember this website and make something just as yummy as this!! Bookmark us!If you have any recipe suggestions, please let us know and we will add it in and credit your idea!


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